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Monday, February 13, 2012

13 months goes Forever

One of our bestie ordered 13 months anniversary cupcakes but suddenly he cancel it because they ended their relationship (oh my....). Then he texted again that he not cancel it. Me and my bf was relief, we thought they are not seperated. Here's the colorful cupcakes!
After that, we know a fact. they are ended their relationship for sure and this cupcakes just like the last and thankful gift from him. It was their first and last cupcakes (while i'm typing it... i feel so sorry). I hope they will make-up again or find their own true love. Amiiin.

Want to order cupcakes/cakes/cookies etc? Just text to: 0818 655 616 (Sasha) or leave a comment here. CAUTION: we never guarantee original design. Somehow, we googling and modify existed cupcakes but we guarantee the taste and the cuteness. Thanks!


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Monday, February 13, 2012

13 months goes Forever

One of our bestie ordered 13 months anniversary cupcakes but suddenly he cancel it because they ended their relationship (oh my....). Then he texted again that he not cancel it. Me and my bf was relief, we thought they are not seperated. Here's the colorful cupcakes!
After that, we know a fact. they are ended their relationship for sure and this cupcakes just like the last and thankful gift from him. It was their first and last cupcakes (while i'm typing it... i feel so sorry). I hope they will make-up again or find their own true love. Amiiin.

Want to order cupcakes/cakes/cookies etc? Just text to: 0818 655 616 (Sasha) or leave a comment here. CAUTION: we never guarantee original design. Somehow, we googling and modify existed cupcakes but we guarantee the taste and the cuteness. Thanks!

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